Rabu, 18 September 2013

How to Make a Caffe Macchiato | Perfect Coffee

Okay, now I'm going to show you how to make a macchiato, this is one of my favorite espresso drinks. What it is, is just a shot of espresso with a little bit of foam on top. In Italian macchiato means marked, so it's literally just marked with a dollop of foam. However in North American and in other growing coffee traditions, people have used a little bit more milk, like one to two ounces instead of just the traditional dollop on top. So, I'm going to show you something that's half way in between there, which is how I like it, just a shot of espresso and then maybe an ounce of foamy milk. So I'm going to start off with pulling the shot, steaming the milk and then pouring.

Okay, so we have our nice foamy milk and a shot of espresso, now since it's a small drink, what I like to do is stir the shot a little bit. This way it incorporates all the flavors throughout it and when you take your first sip you don't get a bitter first impression. This is also sort of my personal preference for macchiato, many people won't do that, but I definitely recommend trying it out if you're getting a bitter ring right around the first sip. So then we have our foamy milk, then you're just going to pour it in, it's just going to be about an ounce and half. Alright, and that is a macchiato.

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Caffè Macchiato : Friendly Espresso

Caffè Macchiato
Caffè Macchiato (Espresso Macchiato) is usually a double or triple shot of Espresso with a dollop of dense milky foam placed on top to cover the Espresso.
In Italian, Macchiato literally means ‘marked’ or ‘stained (with)’. This coffee is ‘marked’ by a drop of milk, which differentiates Caffè Macchiato from dark Caffè Espresso.
Caffè Machiato has two variants: Caffè Macchiato Freddo (with cold milk) and Caffè Macchiato Caldo (with hot milk). Freddo is good if you are in hurry or can’t wait until your coffee gets to a drinkable temperature.

Espresso Macchiatos (a.k.a. "Caffe Macchiatos") are compact, flavorful drinks consisting of espresso and foamed milk. Once you know how to pull espresso shots and froth milk, you can easily learn how to make Espresso Macchiatos and Latte Macchiatos.

Caffe Machiato Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

Yield: One Espresso Macchiato


1-2 shots of espresso
A dollop of foamed milk with the texture of melted ice cream

In a macchiato cup (about four ounces), top the espresso with a dollop of steamed milk. Serve immediately.